Why is the Big-Bang-Theory wrong?
The TBBT is an attempt to explain the red-shifting observed in light from distant galaxies. Here, I will provide you with an alternative explanation which identifies and links the observed red-shift with the energy loss in photons. Every chemical element emits its own special frequency pattern. Because of this, we can identify which elements are located where in different stars, planets and moons without having to go there. This is done by analyzing the light coming from these objects. However, astronomers and astrophysicists have noticed that these patterns are shifted, or slightly moved, towards the red direction of the light spectrum when looking at light from distant galaxies. The Big-Bang-Theory explains this 'redshifting' as the result of these galaxies speeding up and moving away from us. According to TBBT, the entire universe exploded and continues to expand to this day. This model is extremely complicated, pretty controversial and, in my point of view, wrong. It is my postulation that there isn't any reason for one to assume that the universe is expanding.