A Consistent Concept of  Physics 

TEMIDO - 3. Electricity

Part 1. Plus and Minus
Microdomains are polar. By twisting them, an electric field is generated. The microdomains on the surface of the electron and proton are so twisted that they create a negative or a positive electric field around the particles. This then generates mechanical forces between the electrons and protons.


Part 2. Conducting Electricity
With some substances, electrons can migrate through the spaces in between atoms and enables the conduction of electricity. This works better (or worse) depending on the number of available electrons and the atomic nature of the substance. This is how electrical resistance is determined.

Part 3.  Proton and Electron as a Couple
Protons and electrons are polar structures with positive and negative poles. A proton-electron pair forms a closed electric field that holds these two particles together. This is the reason why there are just as many electrons as there are protons in each atom.

TEMIDO - 3. Gravity  (as Video)